Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blog 2

Social justice can be demonstrated in many ways, whether it be equal or not. In the city described by LeGuinn she describes a city that is perfectly equal. The city of Omelas lives in perfect harmony although they live without the conveniences us in the modern world see as necessary, which some would argue add to segregation and inequality. Omelas has a wide array of people all living in harmony because everyone is equal, there are no social classes, no religion, none of the things that drive most of us apart from each other. The socioeconomic problems that riddle the world now are literally nonexistent in Omelas.Everyone no matter looks are treated the same. However on the flipside in the modern world where we do have the conveniences of a live world, and by live world I mean we get everything instantly. Everything from news to someones facebook status is more or less just a few words and a click of the mouse away. Although this may come as a convenience to most some exploit this and use it to hurt others. Facebook is a beautiful way to keep in touch with friends but those we dislike are also on there and we can discriminate against them as often as possible. In the modern world where money and power are everything and those without it tend to suffer and lead less fulfilling lives then their better off counter parts. All the conveniences we have today also have a negative side to them.

Weblog 1

1.) Mitchell Haft; North Royalton, Ohio; mhaft15@jcu.edu
2.) Mitch
4.) Im just a typical 19 year old to be completely honest, music is a main part of my life I listen to everything from Underground Hip Hop to Industrial Death Metal, anything except country... ew, Im most likely the tallest person in the class, Im a huge fan of everything Cleveland, from the Sports teams to the music scene, Cleveland is a huge part of me, i even got it tattooed on me. Follow me on Twitter @Haftashaft

5.) To be completely honest i can learn in just about any environment, lectures, groups, independent, i can deal with just about any environment

6.) The most important technological invention in my opinion was the invention of the Internet, without it the inter workings of the worlds would be completely different
7.) Cell phone, facebook, Xbox, TV, and spell check... if you are reading this you will know why
8.) 1. I built my own computer at home so i have decent knowledge about computers, 2. Well i use digital media almost every day so im relatively proficient with it. 3. I use Twitter, Facebook and youtube alot. to be honest a 5 or 6

9.) To be honest I dont have any questions