Friday, September 30, 2011

Digital Story Proposal... still dont know what Im doing here...

During my time in FYS, I have realized a few things about the hidden evils of technology and how they help progress the digital divide and what not. However my paper is going to be the complete opposite of that. I believe that twitter will help progress the world in general.
     To me Twitter is more then just a way to vent my feelings to my followers, Twitter is an entire new world. I Get everything from twitter, anywhere from my news, sports updates, what celebrities are up to, the latest tabloids, even a cheap late night laugh. My life has changed because of twitter and its not just a thing about me either, twitter has helped many others. Be it the Tweetevents or essentially flash mobs for a purpose that bring thousands of people to one location and rally for a cause, or how twitter assisted all those who were involved in the Arab spring. Twitter has evolved from a simple status update page to a way to change the world for the better. In this proposal, I still do not know exactly what sources I will includes but expect a video of some sorts and 2 credible online sources

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blog 6

Twitter, I am very proficient in Twitter, Unlike most people who are just starting up on Twitter, I Have had a twitter since 09'. Im over the 1,600 tweet mark and am, in my opinion very proficient in twitter. My twitter litteracy level is very high since i've been there so long, all the #SMH #HMD #nowplaying and prety much anyother hashtag ive seen or used at times. However I personally do not follow most trends when it come to hashtags, I tend to make up my own such as #liberalswag and #Murphswag. I see hashtags as more of a creative way to make up random sayings then to go along with a trend. My twitter literacy skill really doesnt evolve anymore beause ive been on there so long that Ive seen everything twitter has to offer. You more or less acquire 21st century literacy skills by being on the internet, its not taught anywhere its just acquired.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This Digital World- VentanA

Vlog 1- Part of Blog 5

Blog 5

My experiences as a web user have been pretty typical for a teenager. Be it the middle school fad that was known as "Myspace" and now Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and soon Google+ the internet for me is usually used for social networking and procrastinating. My internet skills have most definatly evolved over time however, be it from my 1st times on the internet always entering www. and using google to find google, my ICT skill has evolved to a level that was beyond my comprehension when I was a "Noob" user of the internet. I now can make use of the internet by using all the possible advantages it has to offer, such as downloadable text books, Its ability to record my vlog for my next blog, making it so I can impress my friends with random facts at times by searching google on my phone. The internet has completly revolutionized how I look at the world and how I can interact with it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog 3

The 2 contrasting theories of social justice are actually quite intriguing. Both are about equality but the differences are tremendous. The major difference is equality for all or equality for most.
   According to Leguinn in her piece there was perfect equality for 99% of the citizens of the city however there was one scapegoat who took the "sins" of the city on his shoulders. Being locked in a room and only fed bread his life was miserable. The towns people are aware of his existence however they live their lives to the fullest knowing that their "sins" are all in one place. The child plays a Jesus type role in taking the sins of a entire populace on his shoulders so the rest of the people can live perfect lives. In my opinion I dont see how this works, seeing as you can do whatever you want and you know at the end of the day all your badness will be forgiven all because one person took the blame for you. In reality this would never work because human beings have a conscience. If you knew that one person was suffering so you could live your life any way you find good for yourself you have no morality, and morality is inbreed in all human beings and animals on the planet.
   On the contrast, Aristotle and Thomas Aquatints theory of social justice shows equality for all. There is no guidelines for who receives aid. You can be poor, rich, black, white, christian, atheist, the demographic you belong to does not decipher you ability to be aided. This is in my opinion, perfect social justice. Everyone is equal and although there is still unhappiness it is impossible to have a society without it. There still is inequality but it is diminished by the aid of the people who help out everyone.