Wednesday, December 14, 2011


For some reason the full SAVED version of my page does NOT show from the URL however when I preview it shows the entire, finished website, it may be because I just updated it However, if the problem continues to occur, notify me at and I will give my username and password out so you may see the almost finished product. By almost finished, I have 2 HTML widgets at the bottom of the page showing up to date #OWS and my personal twitter in real time, it does not show in the preview and I believe it is a nice ascetic added to my website


FYS Final, Twitter. Is it good?

Friday, December 2, 2011


1.)    Beryllium is a hard, grayish element that does not occur naturally. The element does occur as a chemical component of certain rocks, coal and oil, soil, and volcanic dust. Two kinds of mineral rocks, bertrandite and beryl, are mined commercially for the recovery of beryllium. Very pure gem-quality beryl is better known as either aquamarine (blue or blue-green) or emerald (green). Beryllium is also present in a variety of compounds.
2.)    Beryllium enters the air, water, and soil as a result of natural and human activities. Emissions from burning coal and oil increase beryllium levels in air. Beryllium enters waterways from the wearing away of rocks and soil. Most of the man-made beryllium that enters waterways comes when industry dumps waste water and when beryllium dust in the air from industrial activities settles over water. Beryllium, as a chemical component, occurs naturally in soil; however, disposal of coal ash, incinerator ash, and industrial wastes may increase the concentration of beryllium in soil.

In air, beryllium compounds are present mostly as fine dust particles. The dust eventually settles over land and water. Rain and snow aid in the removal of beryllium from air. Sufficiently small beryllium particles may remain airborne for about 10 days.

Most of the beryllium in water settles in the material on the bottom. Beryllium compounds remain in ocean water for a few hundred years before settling to the bottom of the ocean

OSHA requests information and comment on issues related to occupational exposure to beryllium, including current employee exposures to beryllium; the relationship between exposure to beryllium and the development of adverse health effects; exposure assessment and monitoring methods; exposure control methods; employee training; medical surveillance for adverse health effects related to beryllium exposure; and other pertinent subjects. The information received in response to this document will assist the Agency in determining an appropriate course of action regarding occupational beryllium exposure.

3.)    Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD)
  • Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) occurs when people inhale beryllium dust or fume and can take anywhere from a few months to 30 years to develop. CBD is caused by an immune system reaction to beryllium metal, with symptoms such as persistent coughing, difficulty breathing upon physical exertion, fatigue, chest and joint pain, weight loss, and fevers.
  • Middleton, D.C. "Chronic beryllium disease: uncommon disease, less common diagnosis." Environmental Health Perspectives 106.12(1998). Discusses methods to diagnose chronic beryllium disease (CBD).
  • Newman, L.S., et al. "The natural history of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease." Environmental Health Perspectives 104.S-5(1996). Reviews what was known about the natural history of clinical chronic beryllium disease (CBD) in the era that preceded the use of immunologic markers, review data from recent studies of patients with beryllium sensitization and early disease, and summarize the methodology being used in ongoing longitudinal studies designed to address some of the questions listed above.
Acute Beryllium Disease (ABD)
  • Acute beryllium disease (ABD) rarely occurs in modern industry due to improved industrial protective measures designed to reduce exposure levels. ABD is caused by breathing in relatively high concentrations of beryllium in dust and metal fumes (>100 µg/m3). High level exposures may lead to death or respiratory illness similar to pneumonia or bronchitis. Symptoms associated with ABD include difficulty breathing, cough, and chest pain. These symptoms occur much more rapidly than those associated with chronic beryllium disease (CBD).
  • Lang, L. "Beryllium: A Chronic Problem [6 MB PDF, 6 pages]." Environmental Health Perspectives 102.6-7(1994). Reviews the causes of acute beryllium disease (ABD).
Lung Cancer
  • Beryllium and beryllium compounds are known to be human carcinogens according to the most recent Report on Carcinogens (RoC). US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Services, National Toxicology Program (NTP). Provides a table of contents with links to sections of the report.
4.)    It can cause it to be released into the air, soil and water through human activity

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog 11?

Ok so im going to try my best here because the assignment is missing from the page.

I actually disagree with the senate resolution to institue a E Waste Buy back system. As bad as that sounds i do have legitimate reasons for this statement. 1st, a 10% increase in the price of all electronics would be devastating for this already struggling economy. Imagine buying a 700$ dollar computer. on top of the 6-7.5% sales taxes included from buying the product in Ohio or other states with a sales tax on goods, there will be a additional 70 dollars added to the cost to  allow us to have the buy back system. That could add almost 100 extra dollars to an already extremely expensive piece of technology. 2nd being a more or less out of sight out of mind type approach. These toxic chemicals are treated by people in china, on of our biggest rivals when it comes to economics. Keeping these chemicals out of the US would improve the nations health and assist in the lowering of pollution in the United States, which is already a very major concern in major cities such as LA.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Digital Story "Story Board"

My digital story board, well not really a story board per say just a general statement of what i wish to include in my digital story in video form. Again I apologize for the dim lighting I have a out light in my room

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

The 1st article I read about is more for a bushiness minded approach towards twitter however nonetheless expresses the same general opinion I want to express, that twitter is actually helpful. In a most basic sense this is just a "top 10" list as to how twitter is helpful in the business and personal world. For me I will utilize most of this information in the beginning of my Digital story as more or less background information on the personal uses of twitter and how it is beneficial to the everyday person. However near the end of the list it does reveal some very useful information on activism which i could use in the latter parts of my presentation which will be more focused on activism and social justice.

In my second article I decided to turn the focus to a more pressing matter, that being what some call the "First Twitter Revolution". The protests in Tunisia which started the entire domino effect throughout the middle east. The article however features both the revolution in Tunisia and the "Green Movement" in Iran both of which had a emphasis on social media helping the outside world and those inside the countries express their feelings on the government. I plan on getting a large amount of my research from this source and it will be used in the latter part of my Digital story where I plan on focusing on individual countries revolutions and how Twitter has helped them secure more freedoms

This third article is by far my favorite article as it features the occupy wall street movement, a movement of which I am an avid supporter of. This article however shows a more dark side of twitter which I find quite interesting, it spotlights how twitter blocked #OWS as a trending topic. I am planing on doing more of a argumentative type Digital story so this will work perfectly as a way to show the other side of the twitter argument.

My fourth article is a general article about how information sharing has changed since Twitter became main stream and the increased speed of the spread of information. The intro of this article really grabs your attention with its reference to 9/11. I plan on utilizing this article in almost every part of my digital story including my intro and rebudle as this article has many very insightful points

This last article is by far my weakest article as it just features the business advantages of twitter as a advertising agent however it still falls under my basic premise for my digital story so I plan on using it to its fullest potential

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog 7

Argument 1
Should the US Institute policies barring corporations from selling computer system overseas that support censorship
To be honest Im going to try my best to be open minded here but in all honesty the companies may be based in the United States where there are laws against barring freedoms however in China there are no such regulations, the US should not have the right to block major companies from selling their products overseas, which brings money into the US economy. The US should not interfere with companies who are just trying to make money, the American dream. The government should care about human rights dont get me wrong but we have MUCH bigger problems on our hands then Chinese human rights we need to fix our economy, get out of debt,were in 2 almost 3 wars, have thousands of troops deployed around the world, have a major unemployment problems, Chinese Human rights should be relatively low on our to do list. However on the other side it is understandable that human rights are being violated and some view we need to step in, like we have for most other situations, Also stepping in will get the Chinese people to view the US as a peace keeper and get on our good side. Unfortunately we don't owe 7 trillion dollars to the Chinese People, we owe 7 Trillion dollars to the Chinese government and we want to stay on their good side as long as possible human rights violations aside, I'm just being logical here, cutting them from their computer systems (Which are made there by the way) is not the greatest idea.

Argument 2
Will evolving technology help the Chinese get rights
I could answer this in one word... No. The people can speak up all they want however until they actually revolt like the Arabic nations have they will not get any more rights. Also no one wants to help china they only have very few allies, one being Russia and Russia has enough problems on their own. The Chinese people need to revolt if they want things done, it has worked in the past and is working currently in Arabic nations, and the sheer numbers of the Chinese people are enough to get a good revolution going. This is coming from a histroy major, peaceful revolutions work but it takes more then a few thousand people on twitter to do anything voicing yourself on the completly anamous internet is not going to change anything it takes action.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Digital Story Proposal... still dont know what Im doing here...

During my time in FYS, I have realized a few things about the hidden evils of technology and how they help progress the digital divide and what not. However my paper is going to be the complete opposite of that. I believe that twitter will help progress the world in general.
     To me Twitter is more then just a way to vent my feelings to my followers, Twitter is an entire new world. I Get everything from twitter, anywhere from my news, sports updates, what celebrities are up to, the latest tabloids, even a cheap late night laugh. My life has changed because of twitter and its not just a thing about me either, twitter has helped many others. Be it the Tweetevents or essentially flash mobs for a purpose that bring thousands of people to one location and rally for a cause, or how twitter assisted all those who were involved in the Arab spring. Twitter has evolved from a simple status update page to a way to change the world for the better. In this proposal, I still do not know exactly what sources I will includes but expect a video of some sorts and 2 credible online sources

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blog 6

Twitter, I am very proficient in Twitter, Unlike most people who are just starting up on Twitter, I Have had a twitter since 09'. Im over the 1,600 tweet mark and am, in my opinion very proficient in twitter. My twitter litteracy level is very high since i've been there so long, all the #SMH #HMD #nowplaying and prety much anyother hashtag ive seen or used at times. However I personally do not follow most trends when it come to hashtags, I tend to make up my own such as #liberalswag and #Murphswag. I see hashtags as more of a creative way to make up random sayings then to go along with a trend. My twitter literacy skill really doesnt evolve anymore beause ive been on there so long that Ive seen everything twitter has to offer. You more or less acquire 21st century literacy skills by being on the internet, its not taught anywhere its just acquired.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This Digital World- VentanA

Vlog 1- Part of Blog 5

Blog 5

My experiences as a web user have been pretty typical for a teenager. Be it the middle school fad that was known as "Myspace" and now Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and soon Google+ the internet for me is usually used for social networking and procrastinating. My internet skills have most definatly evolved over time however, be it from my 1st times on the internet always entering www. and using google to find google, my ICT skill has evolved to a level that was beyond my comprehension when I was a "Noob" user of the internet. I now can make use of the internet by using all the possible advantages it has to offer, such as downloadable text books, Its ability to record my vlog for my next blog, making it so I can impress my friends with random facts at times by searching google on my phone. The internet has completly revolutionized how I look at the world and how I can interact with it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog 3

The 2 contrasting theories of social justice are actually quite intriguing. Both are about equality but the differences are tremendous. The major difference is equality for all or equality for most.
   According to Leguinn in her piece there was perfect equality for 99% of the citizens of the city however there was one scapegoat who took the "sins" of the city on his shoulders. Being locked in a room and only fed bread his life was miserable. The towns people are aware of his existence however they live their lives to the fullest knowing that their "sins" are all in one place. The child plays a Jesus type role in taking the sins of a entire populace on his shoulders so the rest of the people can live perfect lives. In my opinion I dont see how this works, seeing as you can do whatever you want and you know at the end of the day all your badness will be forgiven all because one person took the blame for you. In reality this would never work because human beings have a conscience. If you knew that one person was suffering so you could live your life any way you find good for yourself you have no morality, and morality is inbreed in all human beings and animals on the planet.
   On the contrast, Aristotle and Thomas Aquatints theory of social justice shows equality for all. There is no guidelines for who receives aid. You can be poor, rich, black, white, christian, atheist, the demographic you belong to does not decipher you ability to be aided. This is in my opinion, perfect social justice. Everyone is equal and although there is still unhappiness it is impossible to have a society without it. There still is inequality but it is diminished by the aid of the people who help out everyone.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blog 2

Social justice can be demonstrated in many ways, whether it be equal or not. In the city described by LeGuinn she describes a city that is perfectly equal. The city of Omelas lives in perfect harmony although they live without the conveniences us in the modern world see as necessary, which some would argue add to segregation and inequality. Omelas has a wide array of people all living in harmony because everyone is equal, there are no social classes, no religion, none of the things that drive most of us apart from each other. The socioeconomic problems that riddle the world now are literally nonexistent in Omelas.Everyone no matter looks are treated the same. However on the flipside in the modern world where we do have the conveniences of a live world, and by live world I mean we get everything instantly. Everything from news to someones facebook status is more or less just a few words and a click of the mouse away. Although this may come as a convenience to most some exploit this and use it to hurt others. Facebook is a beautiful way to keep in touch with friends but those we dislike are also on there and we can discriminate against them as often as possible. In the modern world where money and power are everything and those without it tend to suffer and lead less fulfilling lives then their better off counter parts. All the conveniences we have today also have a negative side to them.

Weblog 1

1.) Mitchell Haft; North Royalton, Ohio;
2.) Mitch
4.) Im just a typical 19 year old to be completely honest, music is a main part of my life I listen to everything from Underground Hip Hop to Industrial Death Metal, anything except country... ew, Im most likely the tallest person in the class, Im a huge fan of everything Cleveland, from the Sports teams to the music scene, Cleveland is a huge part of me, i even got it tattooed on me. Follow me on Twitter @Haftashaft

5.) To be completely honest i can learn in just about any environment, lectures, groups, independent, i can deal with just about any environment

6.) The most important technological invention in my opinion was the invention of the Internet, without it the inter workings of the worlds would be completely different
7.) Cell phone, facebook, Xbox, TV, and spell check... if you are reading this you will know why
8.) 1. I built my own computer at home so i have decent knowledge about computers, 2. Well i use digital media almost every day so im relatively proficient with it. 3. I use Twitter, Facebook and youtube alot. to be honest a 5 or 6

9.) To be honest I dont have any questions